Environmental Concerns and Sustainable Development
Islay has a rich past, which is full of heritage and a future which is unwritten. Islay is one of the four places in Scotland most exposed to Climate Change. As one of the regions most vulnerable to coastal erosion, invasive species, and increased humidity, our precious archaeological sites and coastline face significant threats. In response, this project harnesses the power of heritage to engage the community and safeguard our cultural treasures.
Key Heritage Sites at Risk
Islay boasts several significant historical sites, including:
- Historic Churches: Featuring high crosses and grave slabs, with notable sites such as Kildalton Church and its unique Celtic cross.
- Finlaggan: Once the center of the Lordship of the Isles.
- Dunyvaig Castle and Claig Castle: Historic strongholds with rich histories.
Citizen Science and Monitoring
Through the launch of an Islay Citizen Science app, we aim to empower volunteers to monitor and document changes in our heritage sites. This initiative involves local communities and schools, fostering a hands-on approach to understanding and preserving our landscape. Workshops in schools and museums will educate participants about heritage conservation, climate change, and the importance of citizen science.
Innovative Technologies and Community Engagement
The project will embrace emergent technologies like Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) to connect with younger audiences and bring Islay’s history to life. These tools will not only showcase the island’s past but also highlight potential future scenarios shaped by climate change.
Creating a Digital Heritage Database
We aim to develop a comprehensive digital archive of Islay’s heritage, incorporating 3D representations of standing stones, churches, and other significant collections. This database will serve as a valuable resource for researchers and enthusiasts alike.
Through VR and AR experiences, visitors can immerse themselves in Islay’s storied past and explore potential climate futures. Join us in our mission to preserve Islay’s heritage for future generations while engaging with the pressing issue of climate change.dunyvaig castle

Fhuair Urras Phort an Eilein tabhartas Sgeulachdan Ùra Luchd-amais Ùra bho AIM (Association of Independent Museums) a chuideachadh le sgeulachd agus dualchas cugallach an eilein innse, agus a’ cleachdadh seo gus dàimh nas dlùithe a dhèanamh leis a’ choimhearsnachd ionadail agus na mìltean de luchd-tadhail don eilean.
Le airgead bho iomairtichean a’ Chrannchuir Nàiseanta, tha Maoin Dualchas a’ Chrannchair Nàiseanta a’ toirt taic do phròiseactan a cheanglas daoine is coimhearsnachdan ri dualchas na Rìoghachd Aonaichte. Gabhaidh Ag ath-cheangal ris an Tighearnas: Draghan Àrainneachdail agus Leasachadh Seasmhach a thoirt gu buil le Maoin Dualchas a’ Chrannchuir Nàiseanta. Air sgàth iomairtichean a’ Chrannchuir Nàiseanta, chaidh againn air mothachadh a thogail mu eachdraidh agus dualchas cugallach Phort an Eilein agus Eilean Ìle.