Names Associated with the Lordship of the Isles

There are many surnames common on Islay and the other lands of the Lordship which can be traced back to an association with the Lords of the Isles

MacKay of the Rhinns(MacAoidh = son of Hugh) Lieutenants of the Lords. the original
MacKay coming from Kintyre.
MacPhee or MacDuffie of Colonsayalso Lieutenants of the Lords and Keepers of the Records.
Brehon (became Bruin, later Brown)hereditary Judges.
MacEachern or MacKechniehereditary Masters of Horse. also famous sword makers of
MacArthurhereditary pipers, originally from Skye. and held lands at
Proaig at one time.
MacAfferhereditary armour bearers.
MacKerrelhereditary minstrels, harpists and pipers.
MacVurich or Curriegenealogists, poets and bards.
Maclain, Johnson or Maclvordescendants of Ian Mor (John Mor Tanaisdear).
Clarkdescendants of the clerks at Finlaggan.
MacSporranhereditary purse-bearers.
MacCuaighereditary cup-bearers.
Morrison and Lamontlawyers