Cnoc Seannda

In June 1994 Television Channel Four’s Time Team came to Finlaggan to co-operate in the dig, The Time Team consists of a small group of professional archaeologists who are normally set a problem which they attempt to solve in two or three days of intense activity. A suitable challenge for the Time Team was thought to be the discovery of the footmarked stone. It is true that a depression on the reverse side of one of the tombstones on Eilean Mor is footprint shaped but David Caldwell does not believe that this can be the stone used in early mediaeval ceremonies at Finlaggan. During the five years of his studies he found himself wondering if the prominent rounded mound at the head of the loch, overlooking the two islands, Cnoc Seannda, might be the place where the inauguration ceremonies took place.

Nearby is a standing stone. Mounds with standing stones close by are to be found in Ireland at places where it is known that early Irish kings were installed.

In June 1994 the Time Team discovered on Cnoc Seannda the outline of a stone-lined trench, probably with lintel stones collapsed into it. Because this discovery is thought to be of interest it is hoped to examine it more closely in future.

Time Team Lord of the Isles Video